Tiffany Haddish Reveals She’s Had 8 Miscarriages From Battling Endometriosis

by Grace Somes
Tiffany Haddish || Image credit: @tiffanyhaddish

Tiffany Haddish has opened up about her fertility issues and pregnancy loss history, including eight miscarriages.

In her recently released memoir, “I Curse You With Joy,” Tiffany Haddish talked about her traumatic battle with the illness.

The actress disclosed in a recent interview with PEOPLE that she has been battling endometriosis—a disorder in which the endometrium extends outside of the uterus and can cause pelvic pain—for years before the release of her upcoming memoir.

“I’m pretty sure the devil is real because the first day of my period, no matter what, the devil goes into overdrive. I feel like my life gets turned upside down. I’m like, ‘Am I dying?'” Tiffany Haddish began her interview with the media outlet.

Haddish disclosed that even though she has endured years of intensely painful periods, she was previously informed that she had “a dent in my uterus.” It was only recently that she discovered the diagnosis was false.

“The pain is crazy. It feels like somebody is kicking me in my back. It turns out it’s not a dent they saw on the ultrasound. It was endo that was hanging down. It looked like a dent, but it was just extra layers,” the comedian explained.

Tiffany Haddish disclosed that she went to the doctor in November of last year because she was fainting.

To address the issue, “they’ve shaved it down; I had to do a fibroid [removal] thing,” she revealed.

The comedian said that at that point, “I just want them to stay out of [there].”

Unfortunately, for Haddish, the side-effect of her most painful experience of having endometriosis has been pregnancy loss.

Although she prides herself on being a sex-positive comedian and profanity-filled jokes about her busy love life, she takes her pregnancy very seriously.

“Every time I find out I’m pregnant, I’m like, ‘Don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t do nothin. Even if I don’t really want [the baby], I still try to give it a chance.”

Tiffany Haddish also revealed having had a total of eight miscarriages. Her last miscarriage was just last year.

Opening up, she said, “It’s like, I don’t know why there’s so much blood. And then I go to the doctor, and they’re like, ‘Oh, you’re miscarrying right now. And I just D&C.”

Tiffany Haddish explained that she’s been on hormone medication and exercising more to deal with her condition.

“It’s nice that my period has decreased from 11 days to four or five, which is about normal.”

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