60-Year-Old Woman’s Attempt To Be Crowned Miss Universe Comes To An End: ‘It Was An Adventure’

by Gee NY
Image Credit: AP

In a haze of sequins and selfies, the dreams of Alejandra Marisa Rodríguez, a 60-year-old beauty contestant, came to an abrupt end at Argentina’s annual beauty pageant.

Rodríguez, a hospital legal adviser, had hoped to become the oldest Miss Universe contestant in history but fell short of the Miss Argentina crown.

However, she did win the title of “Best Face.”

Rodríguez’s entry into the competition was hailed as a victory over ageism, challenging the youth-obsessed standards of beauty pageants.

Her success in the Miss Buenos Aires competition last month garnered global media attention, propelling her from obscurity to local fame.

Rodríguez expressed gratitude for the support, confessing that her journey opened new doors for others facing similar challenges.

Dressed in a red cocktail dress, Rodríguez reflected backstage:

“It was an adventure, and I had no expectations other than taking on a new challenge.”

For the swimsuit portion, she chose a modest one-piece suit with a shawl, giving a confident shimmy as fans cheered.

Ultimately, the judges favored 29-year-old Magali Benejam, an actress and model from Cordoba, who won “Best Swimsuit” and was crowned Miss Argentina.

Benejam will represent Argentina at the global competition in Mexico City this November. Her victory was made possible by recent changes to the Miss Universe pageant, which for the first time in its 73-year history, eliminated the age cap for contestants.

The Miss Universe pageant, historically criticized for its focus on young, unmarried women, has undergone significant reforms in recent years.

These changes include welcoming married, pregnant, lesbian, and transgender women, and removing all mentions of “beauty” from its website. Despite these reforms, the contest still largely emphasizes youthful appearances.

While Rodríguez’s participation was praised by many, it also sparked debate.

Some questioned whether she was setting an unrealistic standard for older women with her youthful appearance.

Argentine feminist activist Lala Pasquinelli commented:

“It’s contributing to a sense that all 60-year-old women should look youthful, as if they were 25. If they don’t, it’s because they aren’t willing to make the sacrifices.”

Rodríguez’s journey, although it did not lead to a Miss Argentina title, highlighted ongoing discussions about age, beauty, and the evolving standards of pageantry.

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