Viral Video Shows Mom Confronting High School Bully on School Bus! Sparks Online Debate

by Gee NY

A viral video has captured a heated confrontation between a mother and a high school student accused of bullying her seventh-grade daughter.

Yasmin Payne, the concerned mother, boarded the school bus to address a 10th grader who she claims had been bullying her daughter, Lyric, a seventh grader, prompting a strong reaction online.

In the video shared by The Neighborhood Talk, Payne is seen directly confronting the alleged bully while also addressing the bus driver and other students.

Payne’s primary message to the students was clear: she would not tolerate bullying, especially targeting younger students.

“Don’t let nobody pick on y’all that’s in high school,” Payne said. “Cause you ain’t gonna bully mine.”

The confrontation arose after Payne’s daughter informed her mother about ongoing harassment, which reportedly wasn’t properly addressed by school authorities.

Payne chastised the older student for not speaking up or involving school officials when the issue was first brought to light.

“When she came to you, you should have gone to the teacher,” Payne told the high schooler, emphasizing that she expected the bullying to stop immediately.

Throughout the exchange, Payne repeatedly made her stance on bullying known, telling the students and the bus driver that this would be the last time she would tolerate such behavior.

“I better not get another call from my daughter or another video,” Payne said. She also warned the bus driver to “get it under control.”

Though the video ended with Payne wishing the students a good day and reminding them to focus on their education, her bold approach sparked a significant conversation on social media.

Reactions varied, with some applauding Payne for standing up for her daughter, while others questioned whether addressing the issue so publicly was appropriate.

The incident highlights the ongoing debate about bullying, especially in school settings, and the lengths to which parents are willing to go to protect their children.

Some online commentators feel although Yasmin Payne’s actions may have been unorthodox, they show her determination to ensure her daughter—and others—would not be subjected to further mistreatment.

“I don’t see nothing wrong with what she just did. She didn’t even have to curse to get her point across,” someone commented,

Another person justified Yasmine’s actions on the bus:

“She defend her own plus everybody else’s… a village without knowing is a blessing!”

But a few people disagreed with Yasmine’s decision to get on the bus:

“Legally mom is not allowed to step on the bus. She should of went to the school instead smh.”

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