Biden Campaign Confirms Kamala Harris will Debate Trump’s Vice Presidential Pick This Summer

by Xara Aziz
Robyn Beck / AFP via Getty Images

Vice President Kamala Harris will debate Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick this summer, a spokesperson from the Biden campaign confirmed Thursday.

Trump has suggested he might wait until the Republican National Convention in July to announce his running mate.

Harris’ team informed CBS that she is available to debate in-studio on either Tuesday, July 23, or Tuesday, August 13, and encouraged the Trump campaign to select one of these dates. The Trump campaign has not yet responded to the debate invitation.

Trump mentioned there is a “pretty good chance” he will announce his vice presidential pick at the GOP convention in Milwaukee, which begins on July 15., he said in an interview with TMJ4 in New York.

“I don’t say anything is 100%, but you’re getting pretty close,” Trump said. “I’ll be doing it in Milwaukee. We’re going to have a great time.”

This announcement follows the agreement between President Joe Biden and Trump to participate in two debates this summer, hosted by CNN on June 27 and ABC on September 10.

These debates will not have live audiences, a condition set by the Biden campaign. This decision influenced their choice to forgo the debates organized by the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, which has overseen every presidential and vice-presidential general election debate since 1988.

The announcement comes after President Joe Biden and Trump agreed to two debates this summer to be hosted by CNN on June 27 and ABC on Sept. 10.

The debates are not expected to take place before live audiences — a key demand of the Biden campaign that contributed to its decision to ditch the debates organized by the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, which had organized every presidential and vice presidential general election debate since 1988.

Earlier this month, Shine My Crown reported that Harris was campaigning in Detroit a pivotal city in a crucial swing state, to underscore the administration’s investments in Black-owned businesses and policy initiatives aimed at fostering generational wealth, especially among Black voters.

Her visit coincided with a flurry of diverse events, including Israel’s rejection of a cease-fire negotiated by Egypt and Qatar, which Hamas had accepted, and Columbia University canceling its commencement due to weeklong protests and counter-protests on campus. Nearby, pro-Palestinian demonstrators staged protests against the White House’s backing of Israel’s military actions in Gaza, branding Vice President Harris as “war criminal Kamala Harris.”

Harris’s second stop at Detroit’s renowned Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History featured speeches aimed at energizing and mobilizing the Democratic Party’s core constituency—Black voters—alongside a significant announcement: the allocation of $100 million in federal funds to support small and medium-sized auto parts manufacturers, including Black-owned businesses, in producing components for electric vehicles.

Read more: In Appeal to Win Black Voters, Kamala Harris Heads to Motor City

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