Build Your Mental Health Toolkit Today

by Xara Aziz

The holiday season is approaching quicker than you think and at Shine My Crown, we thought we would help you re-sharpen your mental health toolkit to ensure the last season of the year is a peaceful and bliss-filled one for you.

Are you ready to be your best and highest self and finish 2022 off strong? Then look no further. Your peace of mind awaits below!


Detoxing is not just a physical process. It’s a mental process, too. Ensure you take breaks from social media, the news, TV and group chats throughout the day. Also be mindful of your food consumption. Our bodies process the things we eat and drink and exert them in physical ways. So just as you would clean your kitchen pipes to remove all the gunk once in a while, make sure you do so with your body, too.


Don’t wait until the top of the new year to create that vision board! Anytime is a great time to start manifesting things into your life. Whether you’re looking to secure your dream job, travel to an exotic location, find love or build wealth, take some time to buy some magazines, cut out images and words that reflect what you want and paste it on a poster board. Keep your vision board in a place where you can see it everyday and watch your dreams come true.


You can find joy in so many places. When’s the last time you went out for dinner with a close friend? Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? Make time to bring joy into your life and you show love to others. Why not make that phone call and schedule a time to give and receive joy to someone you truly care about. Here’s a good resource you can use to find the joy you need in your life today.


Sometimes trying to keep up only slows you down. Reprioritize what is most important in your life and get rid of people and things who do not serve your best interests. This is a tough one for some because many of us have built attachment over the years. But fret no more. Once you surrender, you’ll find new and more resourceful people and things that will come into your life in abundance.


You know that tingly feeling you get when you do something nice for someone? That’s the Universe’s way of thanking you for your good deed. So why not keep spreading good. Giving does not have to necessarily be monetary. Giving time is a form of generosity. A smile is a form of charity. Be open to give and watch the blessings come back to you.

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