How To Care For Natural Hair: 11 Steps for White Parents with Black Children

by SilkHair CeeCee
Photo of caucasian mother and two her african american daughters embracing together outdoors. Girls has black curly hair. Mother and daughers wearing white t-shirts.

Parenthood is filled with boundless joy, challenges, growth, and discovery. As a white parent to a Black, biracial, or multiracial child; one of the most rewarding experiences can be diving into the unique and wonderful world of Black hair care. With patience, the right tools, and careful curiosity, you can effectively care for and celebrate your child’s beautiful crown!

1. Embrace the Learning Curve

Recognize that Black hair is unique and requires different care. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about cherishing a significant part of your child’s identity.

2. Seek Education

There are numerous licensed professionals, YouTube channels, blogs, and books dedicated to Black hair care. Look for resources that offer step-by-step guidance and demonstrations, especially for those just starting out.

3. Understand Hair Characteristics

Black hair spans a spectrum from wavy to coily, fine, thick, thin and everything in between. Knowing your child’s hair characteristics will guide product choices and styling techniques.

The most common classification system is inspired by Andre Walker’s hair typing system which ranges from 1A (pin straight) to 4C (tight coils).

4. Moisture is Key

Black hair tends to require more moisture. Invest in high-quality moisturizers and leave-in conditioners. Avoid products with harsh chemicals.

5. Shampooing

Depending on your child’s hair characteristics and needs, shampooing once every 1-2 weeks might be optimal.

6. Detangle Gently

Always detangle with a wide-toothed comb starting from the ends and working your way up to the roots. It’s best to detangle when the hair is wet to minimize breakage.

7. Embrace Protective Styles

Styles like braids and twists not only look great but also save time and reduce daily wear and tear. Make sure the hairstyle is comfortable and not pulled too tight.

8. Limit Heat

Excessive use of heat tools can lead to damage, be sure to use heat protection. It is generally advised to seek out a haircare professional for heat services.

9. Seek Professional Help

If you’re uncertain about a style or technique, or if your child has a particular look in mind, consider visiting a salon that specializes in Black hair care.

10. Join a Community

Connect with groups and forums where parents exchange experiences, tips, and advice on Black hair care. These communities offer support, answer questions, and provide a platform for shared learning.

11. Celebrate Their Crown

Ensure your child knows their hair is beautiful and unique!

Every parenting journey has its own set of challenges and triumphs. While mistakes are part of the process, the genuine effort, love, and care you put in are what truly matter. Learning about your child’s unique hair is a meaningful way to connect with them.

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