Shyla Brown: A Rising Star In Golf Inspiring A New Generation

by Gee NY

At just fifteen years old, Shyla Brown is making waves in the world of golf as the top-ranked African American junior golfer.

Her journey began at the tender age of eight, inspired by her parents’ love for the sport.

“Both of my parents played. You know, when you’re that young, you kind of take up what your parents are doing. I found it enjoyable,” Shyla shared with WFAA news.

A few months ago, she was selected as one of only four nationally ranked high school golfers to compete in the prestigious Southwest Airlines Showcase at Cedar Crest, one of the nation’s premier amateur golf tournaments.

About the selection, Shyla expressed her gratitude and excitement for the opportunity:

“It means a lot to me. The history behind Cedar Crest that’s been held there…Pioneers like Charles Sifford, walking in his footsteps, it means a lot to me.”

Reflecting on Charles Sifford’s historic role in breaking the color barrier for the PGA Tour, Shyla carries a deep sense of responsibility and pride in her own journey.

Currently holding the number one ranking among African American junior golfers, she is blazing a trail for young athletes of color in the sport.

Shyla’s achievements extend to being named to the prestigious 2023 American Junior Golf All-Star Team, a recognition that underscores her talent and dedication. She is only the second Black individual in history to receive this honor.

“To much is given, much is required. The more blessings that are given to me, the more responsibilities I hold to uphold those blessings,” Shyla articulated.


Balancing rigorous golf training and tournaments with academic commitments and her role in the marching band, Shyla attributes her success to the unwavering support of her family, coaches, and peers in the golfing community.

“That really brings out the best of me when I see them succeeding. It makes me want to reach there,” she said.

Looking ahead, Shyla remains steadfast in her aspirations, aiming to excel in college, turn professional, and leave an indelible mark on the sport.

“I want to get through college. Go professional and not even just get on the tour. Be one of the greatest,” Shyla affirmed.

With her talent, determination, and inspiring journey, Shyla Brown continues to redefine possibilities in golf, inspiring generations to come.

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