Nicki Minaj’s Assault Lawsuit: Lawyer Calls Claims Baseless

by Grace Somes
Nicki Mina || Image credit: @nickiminaj

Nicki Minaj is facing a lawsuit filed by her former manager, Brandon Garrett, who alleges that the rapper assaulted him during a heated confrontation in Detroit earlier this year.  

Brandon Garrett filed an assault and battery lawsuit, alleging a heated confrontation that spiraled out of control.

The lawsuit, filed by attorney Thomas Feher and obtained by TMZ, paints a dramatic picture of the alleged incident. According to Garrett, the altercation occurred in April 2024 after a concert in Detroit, where he was sent on an errand for the superstar. The trouble reportedly began when Minaj learned that Garrett had previously delegated the task of picking up her prescription to someone else.

“Ms. [Deb] Antney [former manager] asked why Mr. Montgomery was picking up prescriptions on behalf of Defendant Maraj,” the complaint reads, according to Billboard. “Plaintiff responded that he had Mr. Montgomery pick up a prescription in the past because Defendant Maraj wanted it immediately, but Plaintiff was occupied at the venue with Defendant Maraj in the quick change room during a performance because one of Plaintiff’s job duties was assisting Defendant Maraj with dressing during performances.”

Garrett claims that upon his return, Nicki exploded in anger, screaming, “Are you fing crazy having him pick up my prescription? You have lost your fing mind, and if my husband were here, he would knock out your fing teeth. You’re a dead man walking. You just fed up your whole life, and you will never be anyone; I’ll make sure of it.”

But the claims do not stop here. Garrett claims that Minaj slapped him across the face with an open hand, causing his head to snap back and his hat to fall off. He further asserts that she struck his wrist, which made the documents he was holding scatter on the floor. According to Garrett, he escaped the room with a painful face and aching wrist, locking himself in a restroom for several hours out of fear for his safety.

Garrett further claimed a fellow passenger on the tour texted him early in the morning to let him know that he would not be joining the tour bus to Chicago, resulting in him being left behind in Detroit. Garrett is seeking compensation and has filed a lawsuit for assault, battery, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Nicki’s attorney, Judd Burstein, categorically rejected Garrett’s accusations in a statement to TMZ on January 3.

“Currently, no complaint has been officially presented to Mrs. Petty, which means we are not aware of the precise allegations,” Burstein stated. “Nevertheless, if the lawsuit is as reported by TMZ, it is entirely baseless and absurd. We believe that the claims made by this former assistant will be resolved promptly in favor of Mrs. Petty.”

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