Rep. Ilhan Omar Accused of ‘Blood Libel’ For Allegedly Calling Jewish Students ‘Pro-Genocide’ At Columbia Protest

by Gee NY

U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar is facing backlash from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) after reportedly referring to some Jewish college students as “pro-genocide” during a pro-Palestine protest at Columbia University.

The Democratic congresswoman’s remarks came amidst escalating tensions over Israel’s actions in Gaza.

Omar’s comment, captured by a reporter at the event, sparked condemnation from Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the ADL, who labeled the statement as “blood libel” and “slander.”

Greenblatt stated that it was “patently false and a blood libel” to suggest that any Jewish students supported genocide.

He further criticized Omar for allegedly insinuating that Jewish people were to blame for harassment and threats.

“This is how people get killed,” Greenblatt asserted, calling on Omar to apologize for her remarks.

However, instead of apologizing, Omar defended her stance, insisting that those who do not oppose Israel’s actions are implicitly supporting genocide.

In response to Greenblatt’s criticism, Omar shared an article highlighting anti-Palestinian bias in schools, equating it to the “pro-genocide” sentiment she mentioned.

She challenged Greenblatt to condemn such biases as she has condemned antisemitism and bigotry.

Omar attended the protest alongside her daughter, Isra Hirsi, who was suspended from Barnard College for her involvement in the demonstrations.

Hirsi, along with other students, has been protesting against Israel’s actions in Gaza, leading to numerous arrests and ongoing negotiations with school administrators.

Despite facing criticism, Omar expressed admiration for the students’ “bravery and courage” in protesting for peace and an end to the conflict in Gaza.

Meanwhile, Hirsi emphasized her commitment to standing in solidarity with Palestinians facing what she described as a “genocide.”

The incident underscores the deep divisions surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and highlights the challenges of navigating sensitive issues related to antisemitism and criticism of Israel.

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