Jasmine Crockett Describes Near Altercation On House Floor Over Comments About Her Appearance

by Gee NY

Representative Jasmine Crockett of Texas recently recounted a near-altercation on the House floor following derogatory comments made by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene.

In an interview with The Independent, Crockett revealed that fellow Democratic Representative Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts almost intervened to defend her against Greene’s remarks.

The incident occurred during a contentious House Oversight Committee meeting last month, which saw heated debates over a resolution to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress.

During the proceedings, Greene mocked Crockett’s “fake eyelashes,” prompting Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the committee’s second-ranking Democrat, to condemn Greene’s comments as “disgusting” and “unacceptable.”

When Greene taunted Ocasio-Cortez by asking if her feelings were hurt, Ocasio-Cortez retorted:

“Oh girl, oh baby girl, don’t even play.”

Crockett’s response to Greene went viral. Addressing Chairman James Comer, she questioned whether it would be inappropriate for someone to comment on another member’s “bleach blonde, bad-built butch body,” alluding to Greene.

Greene responded by defending her physique as “built and strong” through a “healthy lifestyle,” rather than cosmetic enhancements.

In her interview, Crockett highlighted the off-camera dynamics, noting that Ayanna Pressley was prepared to stand up for her, potentially escalating the situation into a physical confrontation.

Jamie Raskin of Maryland, the committee’s top Democrat, also defended Crockett, remarking to Greene:

“That’s beneath even you, Ms. Greene.”

Crockett, a freshman Democrat, emphasized the solidarity among women of color on the committee. Ocasio-Cortez praised Crockett’s legal and professional acumen, noting her ability to make complex issues understandable for the general public as a significant asset.

Crockett reflected on the broader implications of the incident, pointing out the challenges women of color face in the workplace.

“When you’re by yourself, people take liberties, but when they realize that you’re not by yourself, it definitely puts them in a different light and puts them in a different stance,” she said.

The full interview with Representative Jasmine Crockett is set to be released later this week.

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