Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley Leads Fight Against Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025

by Gee NY

Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) has emerged as a key figure in the fight against the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025,” a policy blueprint that she describes as a dire threat to Black America and democracy at large.

As a founding member of the “Stop Project 2025” task force, Pressley is mobilizing efforts to prevent the implementation of what she calls “institutionalized Trumpism,” which could become a reality if former President Donald Trump is re-elected in 2024.

Project 2025 is a comprehensive plan that outlines the potential policy and governmental changes under a second Trump administration.

Pressley has labeled the document as a “far right-wing manifesto,” which envisions a “Trump White House, a weaponized Trump Supreme Court, and Department of Justice” that would result in significant harm to Black communities and other marginalized groups.

The plan includes alarming proposals such as a national abortion ban, defunding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, and dismantling the Department of Consumer Protection.

The Mission of the ‘Stop Project 2025’ Task Force

The “Stop Project 2025” task force, co-founded by Pressley, is dedicated to using every tool of congressional oversight and authority to raise awareness about the dangers of Project 2025.

The task force organizes briefings, meetings, and hearings to ensure that the public understands the severe implications of this transition plan.

Pressley is determined to preventing this manifesto from becoming a reality, stating in an interview with Black Enterprise

“We have to do everything to ensure that it not become a reality, that this manifesto is not made manifest.”

Implications for Black America

Pressley has outlined several ways in which Project 2025 would disproportionately impact Black Americans.

She said one of the most concerning aspects of the controversial plan is the potential for a national abortion ban, which she describes as leading to “a nation of forced birth.”

This, she argues, would exacerbate the already critical Black maternal morbidity crisis, where Black women are three to four times more likely to die from childbirth or post-birth complications compared to their white counterparts.

The congresswoman also warned of the dangers posed by a weaponized Department of Justice under Trump, recalling the high execution rates during his previous administration.

She fears a resurgence of such policies, which she describes as a potential “murdering spree.”

Additionally, Project 2025’s proposal to defund DEI initiatives poses a direct threat to programs that support underserved businesses, including those that invest in Black-owned enterprises.

Other dangerous provisions include the potential elimination of Title I funding for K-12 education and cuts to Social Security and Medicare benefits, which are vital to many Black Americans.

Call to Action

Pressley stressed the importance of electing Vice President Kamala Harris as the next President of the United States to counteract the threats posed by Project 2025.

She believes Harris, who has publicly condemned the blueprint, would help build a more just America and prevent the country from regressing on issues critical to Black communities.

Pressley also highlighted her work in the House on student debt cancellation, which has significantly benefited Black borrowers.

However, she cautioned that future relief efforts could be jeopardized if the Department of Education is dismantled under a Trump administration.

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